
Thursday 11 November 2010


"We have just arrived in Spain". "We all hope you have had a pleasant flight",the flight attendant said.WE grabbed our luggage and off the plane we go.My Dad, my Mum and i are in the capital of Spain. which in case you're wondering is Madrid. We are driving from Madrid to Seville at night,on my Mums birthday and on the right hand side of the road.We arrive in Seville eventually.On the first night in Spain we go to a place where you dinner and watch some flamenco dancers. The dancing was really awesome but the food was horrible. The waitress even poured the starter all over me!!
In Spain there are thousands and thousands of miles of olive trees. We also went to a horse show . There were about 12 horses. the horses were extremely well trained and it was obvious that they probably train every single day for about a year or more.
I had the best time in Spain.

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