
Wednesday 10 November 2010


For my class science project I focused on burgers and how they decompose. First I went to McDonalds and bought a cheeseburger then I went to Burger King and bought a cheesebuger. My challenge was to see how long it takes for burgers to decompose. I left them in their wrappers for the first week and then left them in air tight containers for the second week. During the first week neither of the burgers had mould and they smelt the same. During the second week the burgers both had no mould at the start but at the end of the week only the burger king burger had mould. The burgers also started to smell, the burger king burger smelt the worse which is good. These results mean that burger king cheeseburgers are healthier. I learnt while doing this project that at first fungi, mould, inscects won't eat the burgers because they don't think they are edible. Fungi will eat cow poo. I also found out that there isn't a burger that never decomposes.

I have learnt how to make healthier choices when I eat burgers. Now I think my Mum will always take me to burger king. Where will you go for your cheeseburgers?

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