
Tuesday 14 December 2010

Havelock North Primary Year 6

H.N.P.S is full of fun learning and friends. There are lots of opportunities where you can aspire and excel and you can learn lots of new skills. Things like road patrol and peer mediation, banking, different sports, choir and many other things give you more responsibilities. At H.N.P.S we have worked with and met many new people that help us with our learning. There are many different areas to strive in such as academic, cultural, service and sport.
Leadership is a big part of our school as there are lots of leadership roles such as House captains, Service leaders, Cultural leaders and P.A.L. Committees are a great way to learn what you want and learn it the way you want to learn it. We have learnt new skills as in leadership, confidence, friendship, responsibility and many other skills. We are all sad to leave this school and will miss all our past teachers very much, though we are all ready for intermediate. Thank you, all of Havelock North Primary school! You ROCK!!!

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