
Tuesday 2 November 2010

My Extra Long Holiday!!

I was only back at school for three days, into term 4. My Mum and Dad decided that we were going to go on a extra long holiday! We left on Thursday 14 October and came back on Tuesday . But first, before we were allowed to go" we had to clean the house". Boring but we had to do it. We spent 4 hours on the plane to get over but it was fun.

Once we got over to Brisbane we got our rental car and shot of of like a bullet to where we were staying. We went to most of the theme parks- Movie World, Sea World, Dream World and Wet N Wild. We swam with the dolphins and flew in a helicopter at Sea World. My favourite part at the Gold Coast was probably going to be the theme parks we went to. We were at Gold Coast for a week and then drove up to Noosa and stayed there for 4 nights." I think". We stayed at the Sea

Haven which was right on the beach and the shops were behind us.
It was Monday morning and it was time to pack up and drive to Australia Zoo!! I slept the whole way there. We were at the Zoo for the day. In Brisbane on the last night in Australia we stayed at this airport hotel called the Novetal with a pool that hangs over the edge about 1 metre.." how cool is that" We watched planes after planes fly into the airport. The next morning we went to the airport waiting to board our plane. We boarded at about 10 i think? But we were home at 9 that night. It was a really fun holiday.

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