
Saturday 16 October 2010

Volcano Experiment - How to write up an experiment

Question: What does an eruption look like?

  1. Stand the soda bottle up, mould dough around it to create a volcano shape (don't cover the hole).
  2. Fill the bottle most of the way with warm water and a bit of dye.
  3. Add 6 drops of detergent to the bottle.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to the liquid.
  5. Slowly pour the vinegar into the bottle.
  6. Watch the explosion.

Prediction: (Anton)

I think the baking soda will fizz up and run out the side of the volcano . The fizz that comes out of the volcano might be brown or white and when you put the vinegar in the baking soda will make it fizz and the lava will run out.


The volcano fizzed, the malt vinegar worked better than the white vinegar. It didn't explode it just foamed down the side.

A chemical reaction occurred, between and acid and a base. Acids are corrosive chemicals (the vinegar). When baking soda (base) is missed with vinegar, carbon dioxide is formed.

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