
Wednesday 13 October 2010

Scientific Learning

In room 16 we are doing scientific learning by doing tests and experiments.

One experiment we did used 12 blocks, jelly and a small table. We made three towers, the first had 2 blocks stacked, the second had 4 blocks stacked and the third had 6 blocks stacked. We put them on the small table upright then shook the table. The two tallest fell straight away but the smallest stayed standing because it hardly had any weight on top.

After that we stuck the bottom of the three blocks one centimeter deep in jelly, then shook the desk again, the smallest stayed standing, the tallest stayed standing for awhile but still fell over in the end.

We found out that a house or building is more safe if you put padding like jelly underneath it in case of an earthquake so the house or building will just move with the earth. This will make it less likely to fall down in an earthquake.

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