
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Science Investigation

At Intermediate we have to do lots of projects with out any help. so our teacher Miss northe decided to help us learn how to do a science project so we would know what to at intermediate and understand it.
For my project I am doing melting chocolate. We all have to have 3 open questions and 2 closed questions. our projects need a lot of thinking so that means experimenting and going the extra mile with our research.
For my project I will need lots of chocolate the types of chocolate that I will probably use will be:normal dairy milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and chocolates with filling like fruits and nuts.
These are my questions for my project:which type of chocolate melts the fastest? why did the ____ chocolate melt the slowest? do the different ingredients have any effect on the speed of the chocolate melting and why? do chocolate with fruits or nuts melt faster or slower than solid chocolate and what ingredients do the different chocolate have to make them melt at different times?
We don't have a very long time to do our projects but I'm sure everyone will finish them in time

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