
Tuesday 19 October 2010

Optamist Yachting

We arrived at Pandora pond.

I went to go get changed, I put on my wetsuit .

The noise in the boys changing room was super loud.

Align CenterOnce I was in my wetsuit I choice my sailing buddy Liam.

We chose number 5 it looked safe and easy to assemble.

We put up the mast then boom with the sail.

we locked the mast in then we made sure every thing was safe.

Last we put in the center board and the rudder.

The teacher called us down.

"I'm sorry but the winds to strong to do sailing".

All the kids were disappointed

We took down our sail, rudder and our center board.

So we got out the oars, it was a race to the island in the middle of the pond.

It was me and Bailey neck and neck only ten metres to go yes we one .

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